Pare-Ata Netana
CDM 322
To start off our Year 12 Advertising Unit, we were tasked first with researching and analysing existing advertisements. The brief was to find and analyse a minimum of four adverts, one of which must be a social media ad. I found four ads that I personally found compelling, and wrote a few paragraphs on each, including screenshots of key moments in the videos.
After this, we began our mock advertisement. In groups, we were each given a product to advertise. Items ranged from soft drinks and popcorn to cameras and coffee. Our group was given a bunch of new boomsatsuma crew t-shirts, and were tasked to plan, shoot and edit a mock advertisement by the end of the day.
Now we were ready to prepare for our main project. Our aim was to create an advert for a company/product of our choice. At the end of the unit, we will have two edited videos: one lasting exactly 30 seconds and formatted for television, and one lasting 5-10 seconds formatted for an instagram ad. I documented everything that me and my group did to prepare for this, including documents such as the risk assessment, shot list and crew call sheet.
Then it was time for the filming. In our group of eight, we arrived at Bristol Blue Glass and began our shoot. We had some small challenges, but overall we got all the necessary shots. Each of us in the group also made sure to take behind-the-scenes pictures and videos throughout the two days, which I've included in the write-ups.
After filming, it was time to edit. This process took the longest for me personally, but in the end I was happy with the results.
And that's the end of my advertising unit. Thanks for reading!
[all phone numbers and emails have been blacked out in these documents for privacy reasons]