CDM 348
Recreating Movie Scenes
in this unit we where tasked with recreating a scene from a well known movie using a single camera. Me and my group came up with the idea of recreating the classic chase scene in Scary movie. We decided this due to there being an array of different type of scenes, such as close ups, distant shots and moving ones. I thought the shot where you first see ghost face was a good shot to recreate due to the moment and the position of the actor, i also liked the shot where drew has to run through the house would be a good, challenging, shot to recreate. This gave us a good challenge with-ought it being to complicated. This scene originally was directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans originally so we had a go at recreating it. this scene is shown as one of the starter scenes, it setts the mood of comedy and horror. it follows a girl named Drew (played by Carmon Electra) getting chased by a masked killer but though-out the chase she repeatedly makes extremely bad decisions. The overall mood to the scene is spooky due to the fact it is filmed in night, everything is filmed in a blue-ish light (which typically represents sad emotions) this almost pre warns the audience she will die. They also make it very obvious to us that it is halloween, letting us know its the 'spooky' season. We started of by creating a shot list and then we moved onto creating all the pre production documents so we could move onto filming.
shot list
i started with making a shot list on my own

shooting script
once we had all made are on shot lists we came together to create a shooting script

risk assessment
once the shooting script was done as a group we started doing all the production documents

call sheet

kit list

the finished edit

Behind The Scenes