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Recreating movie scenes

CDM 348

In this unit, we were tasked with planning and carrying out a single camera shoot in the form of a chosen scene to recreate.

2.1) To begin this new project, I first looked through well-known scenes, or just scenes I loved, with my group. Once we found one that we all liked and settled on, we picked out the timings of the scene that we were going to recreate and film together. The famous scene my group decided to go with was "Hip to be Square", the 3rd out of 12 murders within the movie- American Psycho. Our scene we are creating starts at 00:21, and ends at 01:30, therefore giving us the fun challenge of being roughly just over 1 minute long. 

Other scenes i looked at

The hunger games
   "Apple shoot"

"Weakness: Cake"

   The goonies
"Truffle shuffle"

   The shining
"Heres Johnny"

 "Dinner party"

  Miss Peregrine's
"Restart time loop"

           My Favourite:
"Quicksilver saves everyone"

Shot List

2.2) After American psycho was chosen, I picked apart the scene -shot by shot- to create a shot list of the different shot types, angles and movements within each individual shot. This would then make it easier to create the shooting script after, as I could tell which parts of the scene are similar, as well as what will take longer to film or change after. 

2.3) A shooting script is important as it links to the shot list, however in the order all scenes will be filmed in. This helps plan the day-to-day timings of each shot, and plan more efficiently. Within a single camera shoot, a shooting script is made and aimed to be done in a way that minimises moving equipment around as much as possible; Which I believe we did well.


While moving onto the shooting script, my group found an already made recreation of the exact same American psycho "Hip to be square" scene, which actually was rather helpful. From this, we were able to possibly use some of their ideas if my group didn't have the right props or costume- For example, a plastic waterproof poncho if we didn't have the correct raincoat, or if we had no record and record player we were able to either use a speaker and Spotify on a phone, or just draw a fake record player out, which we did end up doing on a whiteboard.

When everything was completely planned, I was able to move onto writing out all the important docs; Such as kit list and risk assessment, before

going onto the actual editing and final write-ups.

Someone else's Scene Recreation

Shooting Script

Call sheet

Behind the Scenes





The Results


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