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Advert Analysis

We conducted researched on 4 adverts for this module.

Use the google slides presentation below to view my analysis.

Headphone Mock AD

Roger Gracie Academy


Roger Gracie Academy is a martial arts school that specialises in Brazilian Ju-Jitzu, it offers classes to people of all skill levels, ages and genders. Roger Gracie Academy has multiple academies across the UK and are opening more across Bristol.




Under Armour: Anthony Joshua

This advert has really inspired me with what I would like my gym advert to look like. I really like the darker lighting used in this advert as it gives it a cool, edgy and powerful feel to the person. I would like to use similar lighting in our advert but it may be difficult as the gym we are using has a lot of lights, and it will be hard to darken the gym as it is still open to the public. Despite this, I think our group can film and edit the video footage with a lower contrast to give off a similar effect

Another thing I really like from this advert is the handheld/shaky camera shots during the boxing scenes. The motion of the camera gives it the action movie look and makes the advert seem action-packed. I think using this technique in our advert will really elevate it and make it more engaging to watch. The movement of these shots also exaggerate the power and pace of the athletes

Puma: This is Our Time

The topic of this advert is about empowering women in football. I think it's a really important message to get out as many women are told they  cannot play a sport because of their gender. This advert has released at a good time as womens football is on the rise and gaining more attention from football fans all over the globe.

In this advert they have included a diverse range of female footballers to reach a bigger target market and to further spread the message of 'anybody can play football'

I really like the choice of music they've used for this advert, they've used a very energetic song along with fast cuts to create a fast-paced an lively advertisement.

They use a range of shots and angles to capture the action of the ball being in the air and on the ground. I really like the transitions in this advert where they have the camera spinning around, like a P.O.V of the football itself.


Pre-Production Paperwork

A recce is a pre-production document that helps crew familiarise the location you are shooting in. These are really helpful as going to a location before filming can help you familiarise the surroundings and if it is the right place to shoot or not. You may have to think how easily accessible, if it's safe to film

Risk assessments name the potential hazards while shooting and how we can prevent them from happening. Risk assessment are very important to ensure that cast and crew are as safe as possible during the shoot and that everyone is aware of the potential hazards.

A shot list is a document that explains what will be happening in each scene and shot. They describe the angles, movement, shot and what will be happening in front of the camera. Shot lists help the crew using the camera to know what they will have to be filming on the day

Call Sheets are the schedule for the cast and crew to follow on the day of the shoot. They also give information to the cast and crew about transport, weather conditions,  catering, contacts, locations and first aid information. These are very useful documents for everybody on set as it plans out what will be happening on the day of the shoot, has useful information and also has the contacts of people working on the shoot. Having the list of contacts is really important as it makes it easy to plan with your team and contact them if things need to change last minute.

These documents were created when we were planning to shoot at PCT Gym. Due to complications we had to scrap this and shoot at Roger Gracie academy.

Mood Board

Above is a mood board I have created to visualise what I would like the gym advert to feel and look like. I gained inspiration for this mood board by watching sports and gym adverts, from watching those adverts I know what style and shots I would like to use. For this advert I would really like to show off the boxing and combat facilities this gym has, as it is their USP and the main point of interest in this gym. I tried to add different styles of combat into my mood board because PCT offers a range of classes in their gym, showcasing their range of classes will make the target market widen and will attract more people.


Above is the story board I have created to put the ideas and visions of our PCT Gym advert onto paper. 

We didn't get to make an advert for this business due to complications, but It was still a very helpful document as we knew what to do whilst shooting.

Target Audience

The target audience are young adults looking to exercise, have better health and fitness for themselves. They do classes in martial arts & general exercises, alongside be in a social environment with like minded people. With this audience in mind, as a group we would like to create a video for this target market.  It is also really important we create this advert to suit our target audience as our client will get more interest and customers for their business. To achieve this we would like to include people of different ages, genders and skill level to show the audience that anybody can come along.

Day of the Shoot

On the day of the shoot we arrived on set in the morning (just as the gym opened) so we had more space to film as there weren't many people training. We started talking to the people starring in the advert and asking them what kind of things they would like us to capture on camera. We then set up our filming equipment on set and captured some wide shots of some ju-jitzu warmups. Whilst we were capturing the wide shots we set up the gimble and got some shots of the fighting, this meant we had 3 cameras capturing different angles of the same moments. After around 20 minutes we did some handheld filming and got on the mat to get some close ups of the fighting, which turned out to look really good.

After we had captured action shots from different types of angles we started some filming of the story of the advert.

We headed into the locker room and played around with the lighting to see what looked the best and most natural on camera, we then asked the subject to block out some of the scenes in the locker room. These scenes included the subject to take the Ju-jitzu outfit off a clothing rack, to put on the jacket and to tie the belt round their waist - we filmed all of these scenes on a tripod as we didn't want to include any movement of the camera.

Once we had finished filming in the locker room we got out the gimble to film the subject walking out of the locker room and onto the mat. Once again we blocked out exactly how we want the scene to look to make sure we get the best shot possible. After we  had blocked it we were ready to film with the gimble, I got to use it for the first time which was really cool! When I was filming this shot I had to walk backwards carefully and quickly whilst holding the gimble at the same time which was a bit tricky, but it was fun. After a getting a few shots of this scene we had finished the whole shoot, which meant it was time to start the editing process.

Behind the Scenes

Post Production

 The first thing I did after receiving the footage was to sort through all of it by putting into folder and colour coding it. I added all of the gimble shots into one folder, wide shots in one and all the handheld shots in the other. Sorting out the shots made it much easier for me to identify what I would like to use and what I liked during the editing process. Once I had completed that I began the editing.

I went onto Youtube to find some music for the background that fits the vibe of the business and was also copyright-free so it could be uploaded online, I picked some upbeat rock music. I then begin to make a timeline of my advert so I would have more of an idea of what footage to use when editing. I chose to create a story of somebody getting ready to do Ju-Jitzu, walking out onto the mat and then some exciting shots of the fighting. 

I started by piecing together the intro of the advert to see what looked good and to also cut parts to the best of the music. At first the intro was around 20s, which I though was too long as the advert had to be 30s. I began to cut out some unnecessary bits which didn't add much more to the story of the advert, once I was happy with it I began to edit the other part of the advert. 

I really wanted to include a range of angles, shots and Ju-Jitzu movements in the advert to give it as much engagement as possible. Some of my favourite shots we captured on the shoot are the handheld ones, those shots managed to capture the movement of Ju-Jitzu and captured a really exciting action movie look. To make the advert look more exciting I matched a lot of the clips to the beat of the music.

Final Advert


This term our assignment was to create an advert for a local business, we could choose whether we would want to promote a product or a service. We had to create a standard 30 second advert and a 5-10second advert for social media.

From the start of this assignment our group knew exactly what we would like to promote, a combat gym. A member of our group knew somebody who taught kickboxing classes at PCT Gym, so we were initially going to film there. We had spent a few weeks planning storyboards, shot lists and recces, when it was the day of the shoot we found out that the client had COVID. This was a bit of a setback as we were already a bit behind schedule.

During the same week we had to quickly find another gym that would let us film and we were told that Roger Gracie is a company that have worked with BoomSatsuma before, so we contacted them and they kindly let us film the following Tuesday.

The day of the shoot went really well and ran very smoothly. Everybody in our group that made it to the shoot got to use the cameras and capture some really good shots. The people that were the subject of the advert were very friendly and helpful and gave us some ideas of what they would like us to film, which really helped us create a vision.


Overall, I am happy with the advert I have managed to create and the new skills I have learnt along the way. I have learnt how to manually adjust the settings of the camera and I have managed to film using different angles and shots. I have also learnt to be resilient throughout this project, as there were many times I wanted to just give up, this skill is going to really help me with future projects as nothing ever goes to plan and will also help me in my future career.


This was my first project at BoomSatsuma and not only did I have to complete this project, I had to do this project with people I didn't know very well. It was quite hard to work as a group when we didn't communicate with each other, this made our group disorganised for the shoot and hard to share ideas. I have learnt from this that the key to working in a group is communication, I will take this knowledge with me on my next project and try to communicate with my group more effectively

The Game

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