CDM 348
Recreating Movie Scenes
Shaun Of The Dead:
The Plan Scene
In this unit we were tasked to find a movie scene that we liked and to recreate a minute length clip from that movie. Shaun of the dead was the clip we as a team. Wanted to recreate. This was because we found it funny and challenging to recreate. The clip contains a montage of a total of 44 clips. Approximately 5 second long clips.
With this movie, it contains a total of 44 clips. However, the second part of the clip has reused the clips. This made it easier for us to edit and film as we didnt need to film 44 clips. It was just approximately 22 clips.
This clip/film works really well as it is a comedic horror film. Containing funny moments durout the film. This was another reason for us choosing thi scene/film as we wanted to recreate something that people enjoy and find funny. Directed by Edgar Wright
To begin with we Individually created a shot list. This was so we could all create one separately to avoid missing any shots as we counted. After we had all finished our individual shot list. We then created a shot list as a Team to have our final version which we were going to use to recreate the scene.
Showing which scenes are repeated in the clip
Preproduction Shot List
The 1 minute clip broken down into every shot and scene
Shot List
We summed the duplicate shots together to save us shooting 20 more clips than was needed
Shooting script
We decided to film at two different location. Harry P's house and Harry Wiltons house. This was because the outside locations were best suited for Harry P's house. Then Harry Wiltons house was best suited for the inside shots. However, with this we had to create two recce and risk assessment
Harry p house
Explaining the locations areas and problems we may have
This is explaining to the cast and crew the potential dangers on location
Risk Assessment
Harry W house
Explaining the locations areas and problems we may have
Risk Assessment
This is explaining to the cast and crew the potential dangers on location
Behind the scenes video
This was our first time attempting to recreate parts of the scene we used a gimbal and a tripod for all of our shots. We decided to attempt the shot which we thought would be most difficult. With camera movement which is the sofa scene. I then uploaded the clips to my laptop and overlapped the clips. I did have to speed up certain clips as some clips we weren't in time.